Annual Meetings
2024 Annual Meeting
Dates are being finalized as of July 2024. We will release details soon!
2023 Annual Meeting
The 2023 meeting was held September 12, 9:30 am – 5:00 pm in Port Lavaca at the Bauer Exhibit Building on the Calhoun County Fairgrounds.
2022 Annual Meeting
(during the Waterbird society conference)
As the annual Waterbird Society annual conference was held in Corpus, Christi in 2022, it was decided to offer the state business meeting at the same time. Additionally a Texas-focused symposium was held during the conference featuring research and presentations.
2021 Annual Meeting
Due to the ongoing pandemic, the society held our 2021 meeting virtually. The meeting was hosted on Zoom and presentations from both days are available below.
2021 Meeting Presentations

Richard Gibbons Upper Coast Summary

Brent Ortego Central Coast Summary

Jason Loghry Shorebird Communities in the Laguna

Haille Leija Jones Bay Oystercatcher Islands
2020 Annual Meeting
Due to the ongoing pandemic, the society held our 2020 meeting virtually. The meeting was hosted on Zoom and slide presentations from both days are available below.
The meeting was split over two half days, running from 9-12 am on November 16th and 17th.
Monday Presentations:
Tuesday Presentations:
2019 Annual Meeting
(LCRA McKinney Rough Nature Park)
Every other year the TCWS conducts a 2 day symposium for members to share research, review status and trends from the annual coastal colony census, and discuss ways to advance waterbird conservation in Texas.
The 2019 meeting was held near Austin, TX, November 19-20 at LCRA McKinney Rough Nature Park. The symposium included updates from partners across the coast, the Society business meeting, research presentations, and a poster session.
The Society also presented a Lifetime Achievement Award to Gene W Blacklock for outstanding vision and dedication to the conservation of the waterbirds of Texas. Dr. Blacklock was instrumental in starting the Society and our annual breeding season surveys we continue today.