Texas and Gulf Area Articles
Brubeck, M. V., B. C. Thompson, and R. D. Slack. 1981. The effects of trapping, banding, and patagial tagging on the parental behavior of Least Terns in Texas. Colonial Waterbirds 4:54-60
Cahn, A. R. 1922. Notes on the summer avifauna of Bird Island, Texas and vicinity. The Condor 24:169-180.
Calixto, A. A., B. M. Drees, and I. A. Pena. 2012. Rapid assessment survey of the ant fauna of Green Island, Cameron County, Texas. Southwestern Entomologist 37:141-145.
CBBEP. 1998. Coastal Bend Bays Plan. Austin, TX.
Chaney, A. H. and G. W. Blacklock. 2005. Colonial Waterbird and Rookery Island Mangement Plan. Coastal Bend Bays and Estuary Program, Corpus Christi, TX.
Chaney, A. H., B. R. Chapman, J. P. Karges, D. A. Nelson, R. R. Schmidt, and L. C. Thebeau. 1978. Use of dredged material islands by colonial seabirds and wading birds in Texas. Texas A&I Univ., Kingsville.
Chapman, B. R. 1988. History of the white pelican colonies in south Texas and northern Tamaulipas. Colonial Waterbirds:275-283.
Clapp, R. B., D. Morgan-Jacobs, and R. C. Banks. 1983. Marine birds of the southeastern United States and Gulf of Mexico, Part III. Charadriiformes. U.S. Dep. Int., Fish Wildl. Serv.
Custer, T. W. and C. A. Mitchell. 1989. Organochlorine contaminants in white-faced ibis eggs in southern Texas. Colonial Waterbirds:126-129.
Del Viejo, A. M., X. Vega, M. A. Gonzalez, and J. M. Sanchez. 2004. Disturbance sources, human predation and reproductive success of seabirds in tropical coastal ecosystems of Sinaloa State, Mexico. Bird Conservation International 14:191-202.
Esslinger, C. G. and B. C. Wilson. 2002. North American Waterfowl Mangement Plan, Gulf Coast Joint Venture: Laguna Madre Initiative. North American Waterfowl Management Plan, Albuquerque, NM.
Gawlik, D. E., R. D. Slack, J. A. Thomas, and D. N. Harpole. 1998. Long-term trends in population and community measures of colonial-nesting waterbirds in Galveston Bay Estuary. Colonial Waterbirds 21:143-151.
Glass, P. O. and W. Roach. 1996. Status and recent trends of Galveston Bay's colonial waterbirds- with management implications. USFWS.
Gorman, C., E. H. Smith, and T. Calnan. 2001. Evaluation of long-term habitat and colonial waterbird dynamics of Shamrock Island, Nueces County, Texas.
King, K. A., T. W. Custer, and J. S. Quinn. 1991. Effects of mercury, selenium, and organochlorine contaminants on reproduction of Forster's Terns and Black Skimmers nesting in a contaminated Texas bay. Archives of environmental contamination and toxicology 20:32-40.
King, K. A. and A. J. Krynitsky. 1986. Population trends, reproductive success, and organochlorine chemical contaminants in waterbirds nesting in Galveston Bay, Texas. Archives of environmental contamination and toxicology 15:367-376.
Lester, L. J. and L. A. Gonzalez. 2011. The State of the Bay: A Characterization of the Galveston Bay Ecosystem, Third Edition. Galveston Bay Estuary Program, Houston, TX.
Mueller, A. J. and P. O. Glass. 1988. Disturbance tolerance in a Texas waterbird colony. Colonial Waterbirds 11:119-122.
Parnell, J. F., D. G. Ainley, H. Blokpoel, B. Cain, T. W. Custer, J. L. Dusi, S. Kress, J. A. Kushlan, W. E. Southern, L. E. Stenzel, and B. C. Thompson. 1988. Colonial waterbird management in North America. Colonial Waterbirds 11:129-169.
Pemberton, J. R. 1922a. A large tern colony in Texas. Condor 24:37-48.
Pemberton, J. R. 1922b. The Reddish Egret of Cameron County, Texas. Condor 24:3-12.
Raynor, E. J., A. R. Pierce, C. M. Leumas, and F. C. Rohwer. 2012. Breeding habitat requirements and colony formation by Royal Terns (Thalasseus maximus) and Sandwich Terns (T. sandvicensis) on barrier islands in the Gulf of Mexico Auk 129:763-772.
Taylor, R. J. and E. D. Michael. 1971. Predation on an inland heronry in eastern Texas. Wilson Bulletin 83:172-177.
Telfair II, R. C. 1983. The cattle egret: a Texas focus and world view. Dept. of Wildl. and Fish. Sci., Texas A&M Univ., College Station.
Telfair II, R. C. 1995. Neotropic Cormorant (Phalacrocorax brasilianus) population trends and dynamics in Texas. Bulletin Texas Ornithological Society 28:7-16.
Telfair II, R. C., D. A. McCrimmon Jr, and S. T. Fryska. 2000. Population Dynamics of the Cattle Egret in Texas, 1954-1999. Waterbirds:187-195.
TPWD. 2007. Protection and Restoration of West Bay Bird Island.
Vermillion , W. G. and B. C. Wilson. 2009. Gulf Coast Joint Venture Conservation Planning for Reddish Egret. Gulf Coast Joint Venture, Lafayette, LA.
White, D. H., C. A. Mitchell, and D. M. Swineford. 1984. Reproductive success of Black Skimmers in Texas relative to environmental pollutants. Journal of Field Ornithology 55:18-30.